Hiroshi Takano / Yusuke Sato:TURN TV


Hiroshi Takano
Yusuke Sato

Shino Okamura ( Host / Directer )
Yusuke Sasamura ( Producer )
Daiki Takaku ( Staff )
Nami Igusa ( Staff )
Koki Kato ( Staff )
Yasuyuki Ono ( Staff )
Mikiko Ichitani ( Staff )

Chief camera: Ginji Kimura
Camera and vibes: Hitomi Hoshino (LIVEMINE)
Sound operator: Shotaro Hotta (LIVE HAUS)
Lighting operator: Kobachi (LIVE HAUS)
Technical director: Tommy (LIVEMINE)
Director: Tsutomu Higashimori (LIVEMINE)
Producer: Hideki Amano (LIVEMINE)

Filming location:
LIVE HAUS, Shimokitazawa

活動歴30年以上のキャリアながら今なお第一線で活躍する高野寛と、若手鍵盤奏者/アレンジャーとして高く評価され、自身もマイペースに作品を発表する佐藤優介。質の高いアルバム制作はもちろんYMO 周辺のバッキングなどでも活躍する高野、鈴木慶一やカーネーションらベテラン勢からの信頼も厚い佐藤は意外にもこれが初共演となります。今回はそれぞれ ソロでのパフォーマンスに加えて、《TURN TV》でしか観ることのできない超レアなスペシャル・セッションも用意されています。さらに二人揃っての貴重なインタビューも観られる、約2時間の濃厚なコンテンツ。プレミアムなライブ体験をどうぞご期待ください。 Hiroshi Takano, who has been active for more than 30 years and is still at the forefront of the music scene, and Yusuke Sato, who is highly regarded as a young keyboardist/arranger and releases his own works at his own pace. This will be the first collaboration between Hiroshi Takano, who has been active in producing high quality albums as well as backing for YMO, and Sato, who is trusted by veterans such as Keiichi Suzuki and Carnation. In addition to their solo performances, there will be a very rare special session that can only be seen on “TURN TV”. In addition to their solo performances, there will be a very rare special session that can only be seen on “TURN TV”. Please look forward to this premium live experience.